
Veneers are used to mask appearance issues with your teeth. These may include chipping, discolouration or rotations.

At Griffith Dental Lounge we work closely with you to understand your aesthetic goals and design the smile you have always wanted. Generally, veneers are the perfect solution for people wanting to improve the appearance of:

  • Discoloured teeth
  • Stains from antibiotics or other drugs, excessive fluoride, or the presence of large resin fillings
  • Worn down, chipped, or broken teeth
  • Misaligned, uneven, or irregularly shaped teeth
  • Teeth with unsightly gaps between them

A veneer is a thin wafer of porcelain that is permanently bonded to a tooth to mask its natural colour, shape, or positioning in the mouthYou can get a veneer for just one tooth or multiple teeth. You also have the option to get either get partial (they don’t cover your entire tooth) or full (they cover the entire front of your tooth) veneers—it just depends on your needs and budget.

What to expect

Booking your appointment

Usually, 2 – 3 appointments are required:

  • Consultation
  • Treatment

Further appointments may be needed to adjust or check the veneers.

Before you arrive

There is no special preparation needed for your appointment.

Length of appointment

The consultation and dental check-up can take around 30 – 60 minutes.

Treatment appointments can take around 1 – 2 hours.

During your appointment

Consultation: your dentist will examine your teeth. You may be asked about:

  • Your dental history
  • Your normal oral care routine
  • Any problems

Treatment: Your veneers will be fitted.

After you leave

Your teeth may be sensitive to hot or cold food and drink, this usually only lasts for a couple of days.

Quick tip

Keeping a good oral hygiene routine and taking care when eating hard foods will assist to extend the life of your veneers.